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Hyper InfusiO2n for Fish Passage

Hyper InfusiO2n for Fish Passage

Hyper InfusiO2n™ solutions deliver dissolved oxygen with superior stability compared to traditional diffusion methods, particularly in turbulent and warm water environments.

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Category: Aquatic Gas Optimization / Tags: dissolved oxygenfish passageoxygen infusion


Hyper InfusiO2n™ solutions deliver stable, dissolved oxygen to improve fish attraction, passage, and survival through hydropower systems.

Strategic injection of infused oxygen at hydropower facilities is demonstrated to improve attraction and passage at fish ladders. In one case study, strategic injection of dissolved oxygen at four points facilitated elevated dissolved oxygen levels throughout the ladder and for a half kilometer plume downstream, improving attraction to the ladder entrance. Following installation, survival through the ladder increased over tenfold and fish condition was visibly improved.